1. PointedSDMs::BBSColinusVirginianus
    Dataset of Colinus Virginianus obtained from the North American Breeding Bird survey across Alabama state.
  2. PointedSDMs::Koala
    Dataset of Eucalyptus globulus (common name: blue gum) sightings collected across the Koala conservation reserve on Phillip island (Australia) between 1993 and 2004. Two marks are considered from this dataset: "koala" which describes the number of koala visits to each tree, and "food" which is some index of the palatability of the leaves.
  3. PointedSDMs::SetophagaData
    List of all data objects used for the Setophaga vignette.
  4. PointedSDMs::SolitaryTinamou
    List of all data objects used for the solitary tinamou vignette.